PC/Mac Repair

For a $45 fee, we will diagnose the hardware of your PC or Mac. If you decide to proceed with repair, the $45 diagnostics fee will go towards the labor of the repair.

Data Backup/Transfer

We can provide a backup of your data, or create a solution for your home/business. We can also transfer data to a new computer. The customer is responsible for providing an external hard drive.

Gaming Console Repair

Let us fix your gaming console! We can repair or simply clean your Nintendo, Playstaion, or Xbox systems. Whether it's a PS1 or PS4, we can get your system back up and running again!

Virus/Spyware Removal

Viruses & spyware can cause your computer to run slow or become unresponsive. We will remove all viruses & spyware on your computer.

Software Install/Reinstall

We can install/reinstall any software you need. The customer will be responsible for providing any required licensing for purchased software. $15 for each software install. Discounts for bulk install.

OS Reinstall/Upgrade

We will backup your data & install a clean version of the operating system. If upgrading OS, the customer is responsible for providing a purchased license. OS install included basic software install.

Data Recovery

Depending on how bad your hard drive is, we may be able to restore data from it. $25 diagnostic fee goes towards successful recovery. $100 fee if we are successful at recovering your data!

Home Network Services

We can come to your house! Wireless install/upgrade, printer/scanner installs, network storage solutions, security camera systems, & more!

Business Services

$50/Hour - $400/10-Hour Monthly Rate

Server Installs | PC/Mac Installs | Wireless Install/Upgrade | Networking - Switching | Printing/Scanning Solutions | Data Backup/Recovery & more!

New Computer Install

Let us help pick out your new computer and install it for you! We will install your new computer and any needed software you need. We can also transfer your data from your old computer!

Custom PC Builds

Let us know what you're looking for in a new PC. We'll price out the parts and build it for you! We will do our best to build the best PC for your budget!

Miscellaneous Services

​We can provide some other repairs as well, but may be limited depending on the device. We may be able to repair your smart phone, gaming console or even your printer. Message us for details.

Request Service

Please contact us with any questions or inquiries on our services!